Email Digest

After concerns over the effectiveness of the “UNA Info” emails was brought up among several university constituencies, the Digital Communications team in the office of University Communications & Marketing proposed a solution that was approved by the Executive Council. The solution will streamline and automate the majority of campus announcements, updates, corrections, etc. that are sent out via the “UNA Info” email address. 

The proposed solution is to send out a twice-weekly email digest every Monday & Thursday morning at 11:00am. This email will come from a new “UNA Digest” email address ( that people are not used to ignoring, and will contain all requested announcements summarized in one email. The first thing seen in the email is a “table of contents” allowing users to quickly find topics of interest. If there are no topics that pertain to them, they can simply move on to other emails. Next is a summary of the actual announcements along with a link to more details on a newly created Announcements hub on our website. The idea of still sending a twice-weekly email AND posting to the website is to maximize how many people can see these announcements.